Howards Astronomical Adventures

: Tales From The Night Sky

  • The Annual Fireworks

    Its the end of June and it looks like the annual firefly show has past its peak for me. Such a wondrous sight they are. It has been a pretty good year for them around my area. Its a shame they are fading away in so many other locations.

  • Geomagnetic Storm

    Geomagnetic Storm

    Auroras in Kansas? You got to be kidding me! This wasn’t just on the northern horizon, we actually had visible color overhead and to the south. Ok it wasn’t like being at 50 degree latitude but still. Just crazy it was this strong. And I’ve seen the real deal. Long ago when I was a…

  • Earth Day: Lyrid Meteor Shower

    Earth Day: Lyrid Meteor Shower

    The Lyrid meteor shower (LYR) often falls on Earth Day and it’s a nice treat for night watchers. This year the nearly full moon was a problem for visual observers. While this also affects the limiting magnitude of meteor cameras they are watching all night regardless of conditions. This is last nights stack of detected…

  • A Good Day

    Saturday on April 20th? Yeah its been a good chill day. And a bit colder as well being in mid 50s. After a week of work good to just hang at the house. Weeded the lettuce out. Spent time watching a Swainson’s Hawks hunting in the yard. Filled the feeder. I was going to review…

  • The Waxing Moon

    The Waxing Moon

    Full eclipse the prominence’s around the sun’s edge were incredible. Naked eye visible! A week ago I was preparing the for the big eclipse adventure. Even today I still reflect on the experience of totality because it is that powerful. I thought about it last night looking at the waxing moon. I’ve not talked much…

  • Afterglow: Eclipse Experience Thoughts

    Afterglow: Eclipse Experience Thoughts

    Tuesday I needed time to process and recover from Monday’s road trip. A total of 820 miles driven, 15 ½ hours driving time. The last 7 hours returning home I did non-stop. Since I was sore all day afterwards perhaps non-stop was not a good idea. One thing is certain: I want to experience the…

  • Spectacular!


    April 8th was the day, the path of the total solar eclipse would cut through the United States again. Last time, in 2017, I was in Nebraska and the weather did not work out well. In the days leading up to eclipse I was nervous about the weather. It turned out good! A quick picture…