Howards Astronomical Adventures

: Tales From The Night Sky

Blog Move

Finished up moving the blog to another server tonight. Possible things need touch up. My front static webpage needs updating and several old picture pages are not setup yet.

Update 2023/12/31 :

I am starting out the new year with a new theme and it is a work in progress.

When I moved my website to another server I considered changing how I powered the blog. I had not done anything different for over five years and things have changed. Should it be just static pages? How about a git setup with markdown pages? Maybe a flat file CMS like Grav? Is there another CMS like WordPress I should consider? Ghost is popular and running a more modem front end stack, how about it?

Well I did research many packages and methods, I tried a few flat file systems. In the end I decided to stay on the latest WordPress. Is it because I migrated over so easy and I’m lazy? No not at all. While looking at Ghost and others I realized I had not given WordPress a fair shake since 2018 or so – about the time the new Gutenberg block editor became standard in WP. I was not a big fan of it at first but it did make post writing a bit easier.

Fast forward to early 2023 and the WordPress version (6.2) with the vastly improved block theme site editing came out. I wasn’t paying attention but during my website move I had a dev server running to evaluate the alternatives. It also had the latest WordPress (6.4) installed and I found the direction WordPress had taken for editing block themes was pretty impressive. And that is why I stayed on WordPress.